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- /**************************************************************************\
- $VER: CNet Amiga Pager Update, v5.20 (15-Mar-98) by Dotoran!
- \**************************************************************************/
- options results;signal on SYNTAX;signal on ERROR;signal on IOERR
- a=sourceline(2);parse var a . ", "ver" ("vdate")" .;a=random(,,time("s"))
- tr=transmit;se=sendstring;gc=getchar;gu=getuser;gs=getscratch;mg=maygetchar
- a="rexxsupport.library";if ~show("l",a) then if ~addlib(a,0,-30) then exit
- parse source . . fp .;df=left(fp,max(lastpos('/',fp),lastpos(':',fp)))
- if ~exists(df"PagerConfigF") then do
- se "n1 I could NOT locate your `PagerConfigF' file in the `"df"' path. "
- tr "This update file must be run from INSIDE your `Pager/' directory!"
- exit;end
- tr "n1CNet Amiga Pager Update, "ver"n1"
- se " This file will convert the CTRL-A characters used in your existing "
- se "`PagerConfigF' file into | characters, so that it can be more easily "
- tr "read using text editors like CED.n1"
- tr "Press any key to convert the file...g1"
- call open(f1,df"PagerConfigF","r")
- do i=1 until eof(f1) ; l.i=readln(f1) ; end ; t=i-1
- call close(f1)
- if index(l.1,d2c(1))=0 then do
- se "n1 The file looks to have already been converted. Are you sure you "
- se "either did not run this file earlier, or perhaps you copied the "
- se "`PagerConfigF' file that came in this new archive? If the latter, "
- tr "be sure to use the SYS C command to re-enter your previous values!"
- exit;end
- call open(f1,df"PagerConfigF","w")
- do i=1 to t ; call writeln(f1,translate(l.i,"|",d2c(1))) ; end i
- call close(f1)
- tr "n1CNet Amiga Pager Update is complete!"
- exit
- CHECK:;if ARG() & ARG(1)~="###PANIC" then return ARG(1)
- getcarrier;if result="TRUE" then if ARG() then return ARG(1);else return
- logentry "Lost Carrier!!";bufferflush;exit
- SYNTAX:;ERROR:;IOERR:;e1="n1 Error: "rc" ("errortext(rc)")"
- e2=" Line: "left(sigl,4)"File:";c="`"fp", "ver"'";e2=e2" "c;tr e1;tr e2
- logentry e1;logentry e2;e=strip(translate(sourceline(sigl),"\{",""))
- do while e~="";e3="Source: "left(e,37);tr e3;logentry e3;e=substr(e,38);end
- bufferflush
- /**************************************************************************\
- \****************************************** Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892 **/